



计算机学院网站建设 第1篇

_Webpage Design and Website Construction_ course is an important professional course of computer relevant majors, which is a trunk course of network application design course curriculum system. It is one of the essential skills that students need to know before they enter the job market. The course focuses on business website design and construction, and to develop the ability and capacity of business websites.

_Webpage Design and Website Construction_ course is the follow-up course of _Database Application Technology_ and _The Basis of Programming_. Students can learn in this course when they have the basic skills and basic computer operation ability of the Internet application.

The course includes: design of static pages, focusing on putting images and animations into a business webpage, improving the design of webpage which highlights the student's personality; design of dynamic pages, focusing on mixing the network and database, developing the abilities of independent learning, problem analysis and problem-solving; building business website, to enhance the further ability of business website design, and to increase the capacity of the webpages editing and website development and maintenance.

_Webpage Design and Website Construction_ course includes 16 class hours for theory and 24 class hours for the experiment. The theory courses present the website development processes, which make students know the usage of Dreamweaver, Flash, Eclipse and other software, master the deployment method of Web servers and its application in the construction of website. It also presents various of popular website architecture, such as MVC, SSH and so on. Experimental courses focus on training students to design website applications, which let students familiar with the basic knowledge and skills and improve their overall quality of resources management and applications programming levels.

The course of _Webpage Design and Website Construction _ presents concepts, principles and techniques of webpages designing and websites construction, the main contents include: the usage of webpage design tools, landscaping tips, website design styles, website design architecture and so on.

The course is organized as follows:

Chapter One: Overview of the Website Construction, describes the basic elements of webpage design and website construction processes.

Chapter Two: Technologies and Tools of Website Development, present the basic website development technologies and tools.

Chapter Three: Personal Website Constructions, describes the various Web server configuration, website production and distribution technology.

Chapter Four: Web Servers and Dynamic Webpage making technology, introduces the use of dynamic Webpage programming.

Chapter Five: Web Database technology, introduces a variety of basic management methods of commonly used databases, Web database product selection principle, as well as the connection method of the Web server and the database server.

Chapter Six: Website Architecture, introduces a variety of popular websites architecture building methods.

Chapter Seven: Integrated construction Website, constructs the Business e-commerce sites by using the technology of Webpage making and websites architecture.

计算机学院网站建设 第2篇


计算机学院网站建设 第3篇

1. 学院概况表(college_info):    - id (主键)    - title (标题)    - content (内容)    - create_date (创建日期)    - update_date (更新日期)

2. 师资队伍表(faculty):    - id (主键)    - name (姓名)    - position (职位)    - research_area (研究领域)    - contact_info (联系方式)

3. 教务教学表(teaching):    - id (主键)    - course_name (课程名称)    - course_code (课程代码)    - course_description (课程描述)    - schedule (课程表)    - regulations (教务规定)

4. 科学研究表(research):    - id (主键)    - project_name (项目名称)    - project_description (项目描述)    - start_date (开始日期)    - end_date (结束日期)    - researchers (研究人员)

5. 学生工作表(student_activities):    - id (主键)    - activity_title (活动标题)    - activity_description (活动描述)    - date (日期)

6. 党建工作表(party_building):    - id (主键)    - organization_structure (组织架构)    - news (新闻动态)    - study_materials (学习资料)

7. 招生就业表(admissions_employment):    - id (主键)    - admissions_policy (招生政策)    - admission_notice (录取通知)    - employment_guidance (就业指导)    - campus_recruitment (校园招聘)

8. 校友工作表(alumni_affairs):    - id (主键)    - alumni_name (校友姓名)    - contact_info (联系方式)    - alumni_activities (校友活动)    - donations (捐赠记录)

9. 下载中心表(downloads):    - id (主键)    - file_name (文件名称)    - file_description (文件描述)    - file_url (文件下载链接)    - upload_date (上传日期)

计算机学院网站建设 第4篇

1. 主页(Homepage):    学院简介和使命    特色课程和项目的介绍    学院最新动态和新闻    学院的研究领域和实验室信息

2. 师资队伍(Faculty)页面:    教师列表和个人简介    教师的教学和研究兴趣    联系方式和办公时间

3. 课程与学术(Courses & Academic)页面:    开设的课程列表和详细描述    学术科研成果展示和发表论文    学科方向和专业领域的介绍

4. 学生事务(Student Affairs)页面:    学生活动和组织的信息    学生项目和竞赛的成果展示    学生奖学金和实习机会的通知

5. 招生信息(Admissions)页面:    本科和研究生招生政策和要求    录取通知和申请要求    学院参加的招聘会和宣讲会信息

6. 校友与合作(Alumni & Collaboration)页面:    校友名单和校友动态    校友支持项目和捐赠信息    学院与企业合作和产学研合作的介绍

7. 资源下载(Resource Download)页面:    课程教材和学术资源的下载链接    学院表格和文件的下载    学院宣传资料和学习指南的下载
